Sunday 20th September 2020

                Priest: Fr. Michael Dever – Tel. 0161 224 1498     

St Mary of the Angels & St. Clare Church, Elbow St, Levenshulme, M19 3PY
St. Richard Church, Sutcliffe Avenue, Longsight, M12 5TN
Resident at St. Mary’s Presbytery: Fr. Laurence Gambella, Assistant Priest & Hospital Chaplain & Fr. Martin Dowd, Chaplain to the Central M/c Hospitals

(Home Mission Day) “Stay with us, Lord, on our Journey”

Times of Mass – 20th to 26th September
Sunday : 9.15am Mass at St. Richard’s
10.30am & 12noon Mass at St. Mary’s
Monday : 9.15am Mass at St. Richard’s
Tuesday : 9.30am Mass at St. Mary’s
Wednesday : 9.15am Mass at St. Richard’s
Thursday : 9.30am Mass at St. Mary’s
Friday : 9.15am Mass at St. Richard’s
Saturday : 10am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Mary’s followed by 11am Mass.
5pm Vigil Mass at St. Richard’s
6.30pm Vigil Mass at St. Mary’s
Please remember the suspension of the Sunday Obligation means that you can attend Mass on any day of the week.

Feasts of the Week
Monday 21st Sept. Saint Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist
Wednesday 23rd Sept. Saint Pious of Pietrelcina, Priest
Thursday 24th Sept. Our Lady of Walsingham
Saturday 26th Sept. Saint Cosmas & St. Damian, Martyrs

Pray for the Sick and Housebound and all those who are suffering from the coronavirus and others who are sick at this time, including Patrick Cahill, Mia O’Connor, Pat Campbell, Fr. Kearny, Maria Daly, Ashley Lansell, Steve Kerrigan, Andy McDermott, Colette Robinson, Alan Mullany, Tony Manock, Eamonn Walls, Ryan Berry, Colin Billinge, Maura Pappados, Lena Griffin, Kathleen Hayes, John O’Hara, Margaret Grimes, Karen Joyce, Anne O’Brien, John Coyne, Bridie Coyne, Janet Carroll, Pauline Brown, Bill Henderson, , Barbara Williams, Kathleen Grimes, Noreen Varley, Maureen Kennedy, Carl McGlynn, Sadie McMenamin, John Harte, Paddy McNallion, Margaret Coyle, Patricia Maguire, Simon & Gillian Bryant, Kathleen McGuigan, Hannah Walsh, Finn Collins, Mary McGlade, Gary Jameson, Julie Mulrennan
May the Good Lord strengthen and comfort them. Pray also for all who care for the sick.

Lately Dead: Tom Daly, Paddy Leonard, John Keane, Frances Halby, Pat O’Dwyer (Month’s Mind).

Anniversary: Patrick Walsh, John McGee, Mary Thomas, Bernadette Connolly.

FACE COVERINGS: Face-coverings are now mandatory in indoor settings where people are likely to come into contact with people they do not know. This includes churches. Those that are exempt for medical reasons or children under 11 years of age remain exempt in these settings. In addition we will be collecting your contact details as part of the NHS Track & Trace system and information will only be shared if we are formally notified of a parishioner at the same Mass testing positive.

PARISH MASSES: Sunday Mass has resumed with only a limited number of people allowed into church. St. Mary’s has a limit of 46 people, while St. Richard’s can only hold 26 people. For that reason you are being asked to go to Mass on a weekday if possible. There is no Sunday obligation to attend Mass at present.

AS AUTUMN APPROACHES…..…… It is beginning to feel a bit chilly in Church so please wear a warm coat for Mass. Doors and windows have to remain open to allow the air to circulate.

PARISH FINANCES: Many people will have experienced a drop in their income over the last few months and the parish finances have experienced the same in a dramatic way. Those of you who pay by standing order have continued to do so and some of you who are part of the Gift Aid envelope scheme or direct giving envelope scheme have sent your envelopes in, but as most people haven’t attended Mass due to the Covid situation there has been a massive loss of income by way of cash offerings. Unlike businesses we are unable to access grants, but the bills still need to be paid. To give you an idea of the situation; since March our total income was £14,237.91 whilst our outgoings have been £33,980.79 which gives a deficit of £19,742.88.
Since we are not allowed to pass the collection bags around during Mass you will see a basket at the exit door for your offerings & gift aid envelopes for the church.
A simple way to make a regular offering to the parish is to make a Standing Order through your bank. Standing Order Forms are available from the office at St. Mary’s or from Fr. Dever. For those who pay Income Tax a Gift Aid Form is also available. This allows the tax you have already paid on your weekly offering to be repaid to our parish. So if you give a £1 the parish will receive £1.20p. I would encourage anyone who can to consider signing a standing order for the parish. With thanks for all your help and understanding in these very difficult times.

Due to the Coronavirus Red Box holders may drop off their red box at the parish office weekdays from 9am to 1pm or bring it along to the church at Mass time and hand it in at the Sacristy.

BAPTISMS: New guidelines – We will only baptise one child at a time unless there is a sibling. The Baptism party is restricted to no more than thirty people, and strict social distancing rules must be followed.


Items for the newsletter including Mass Intentions can be left at the Parish Office Tel. 0161 248 8836 or emailed to by Thursday midday. The weekend newsletter is published on Friday mornings!