Sunday 13th December 2020

Parish Priest: Fr. Michael Dever – Tel. 0161 224 1498
St. Mary of the Angels & St. Clare Church, Elbow St, Levenshulme, M19 3PY
St. Richard Church, Sutcliffe Avenue, Longsight, M12 5TN
Resident at St. Mary’s Presbytery: Fr. Laurence Gambella, Assistant Priest & Hospital Chaplain and Fr. Martin Dowd, Chaplain to the Central M/c Hospitals.


Our Lady Queen of Peace and St Thomas More Catholic Community - The Third Sunday in Advent - Brighton, NYTHIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT (“Gaudete” Sunday)
“Stay with us, Lord, on our Journey”

COVID-19: Church Guidance: Please sanitise hands on entering and follow safe distancing and instructions from the stewards. Sanitise hands again on exiting church by the side doors. All those who attend church must wear a face covering. Those that are exempt for medical reasons or children under 11 remain exempt. Please note for safety reasons toilets are closed.

Church Opening Times – 13th to 19th December
Sunday : 9.15am Mass at St. Richard’s
10.30am & 12 noon Mass at St. Mary’s
Monday : 9.15am Mass at St. Richard’s
Tuesday : 9.30am Mass at St. Mary’s
6pm First Holy Communion Mass at St. Richard’s
Wednesday : 9.15am Mass at St. Richard’s
Thursday : 9.30am Mass at St. Mary’s – 6pm First Holy Communion at St. Richard’s                                                   

Friday : 9.15am Mass at St. Richard’s
Sat. 10am Exposition followed by 11am Mass at St. Mary’s
5.00pm Vigil Mass at St. Richard’s
6.30pm Vigil Mass at St. Mary’s

Feasts of the Week
Monday 14th Dec. St John of the Cross, Priest and Doctor
Born in 1542, a Carmelite friar and friend of St. Teresa of Avila, with whom he worked for the reform of the order. A poet and mystic, he died in 1591.

Pray for the Sick and Housebound and all those who are suffering from the coronavirus and others who are sick at this time, including Tom Mitchell, Eileen Regan, Cath Dixon, Eamonn Walls, Mary McGlade, Maureen Woods, Benny Woods, Christine Jackson, Mark Graham, Mary Dunne, Jackie Clare. May the Good Lord strengthen and comfort them. Pray also for all who care for the sick.
Under the data protection law (GDPR) we need ‘explicit consent’ to print in the newsletter the names of those sick parishioners for whom we are praying. If you would like your name or that of a relative added to the Sick List please be aware that if it is for a relative he or she MUST give their consent for their name to be published in the weekly newsletter.

Lately Dead: Paul Sammut, Dennis McConnell, Katrina Rafferty
Anniversary: John Brady
Birthday Remembrance: Frances Maher (8th Dec.)

If you are admitted as a patient, please ensure the Chaplains’ Office is informed that you would like to be visited by a Catholic Minister. This has to be done by you or a relative. Tel. 0161 276 4247 (Central Manchester Hospitals).

PLEASE WRAP UP WARM: Presently we must have the Church doors open to provide ventilation against COVID. As you will have noticed the temperature is beginning to fall and it is unlikely that we will put the heating on whilst having doors open. Please put on some layers and stay warm!!

ST. RICHARD’S FIRST HOLY COMMUNION MASSES BEFORE CHRISTMAS: The last two groups of St. Richard’s Year 4 children will make their First Holy Communion at St. Richard’s Church at 6pm next week on Tuesday 15th December and Thursday 17th December Thank you again for your patience, help and support during this year’s unusual Sacramental Programme. Please remember all our First Holy Communicants in your prayers. Sincere gratitude to teachers and catechists who have played such an important part in the formation of the children.

The Diocese of Salford has started work with academic partners on a ‘decarbonisation strategy’. This will involve understanding the diocese’s carbon footprint and ways to reduce it over the next two years. The team would welcome anyone with expertise in this area in our parish communities to get in touch at so that the diocese can become more aware of those that might want to get involved.

Ticket Cost: £1 a strip
Raffle Drawn: Saturday 19th December after the 11 o’clock Mass. By taking part, you could win our first prize of a Luxury Christmas Hamper full of festive goodies or any of our 18 runner-up prizes, whilst also raising much-needed funds for our parish.
You’ll have up until Friday 18th December to get your raffle tickets. All winners will be notified by phone. Good Luck!

Our total income received in November from offerings, gift aid envelopes and standing orders was ££2,817.33. Our outgoings were £6,856.25, which gave a deficit of £4,038.92.
I am most grateful to those parishioners who have been making their contributions regularly during this time.
A simple way to make a regular offering to the parish is to make a Standing Order through your bank. Standing Order Forms are available from the office at St. Mary’s or from Fr. Dever. For those who pay Income Tax a Gift Aid Form is also available. This allows the tax you have already paid on your weekly offering to be repaid to our parish. So if you give a £1 the parish will receive £1.25p. I would encourage anyone who can to consider signing a standing order for the parish. With thanks for all your help and understanding in these very difficult times.

NEWSLETTER: Please pass on a newsletter to a neighbour or anyone who you think might appreciate it.

Due to the Coronavirus collectors are unable to visit your homes, therefore, Red Box holders may drop off their red box at the parish office weekdays (except Wednesday) from 8.30am to 1pm or bring it along to the church at Mass time and hand it in at the Sacristy. If you are unable to come to church please telephone the office on 0161 248 8836.

Items for the newsletter including Mass Intentions can be left at the Parish Office Tel. 0161 248 8836 or emailed to by Thursday midday. The weekend newsletter is published on Friday mornings!