Parents who wish to present their children for baptism are warmly invited to register after 11am Mass at St Mary’s Church on the second Sunday of the month.       

Role of the Godparents

  • Godparents should be firm believers in Christ
  • In the Catholic Church, only those who are baptised members of the Catholic Church are able to take on the responsibility of becoming a Godparent.
  • Those who have been baptised outside the Catholic Church may undertake the role of “Christian Witness” to the baptism.
  • At least one Godparent must be a PRACTICING
  • A person who is not baptised (non-Christian) may not be a Godparent.
  • The role of a Godparent is religious and therefore proper care should be made when choosing a Godparent for your child.
  • Each Godparent has the responsibility of assisting the parents in bringing their child up in the practice of the Catholic faith, and of being an example of living the catholic faith.
  • Each Godparent will have to affirm their faith in Christ Jesus publicly during the Rite of Baptism.

Want to have your child baptised?

Thank you for considering Baptism for your child. The Church gladly baptises babies and children whose parents wish to bring them up in the practice of the Catholic Faith. We look forward very much to welcoming you as your child becomes, through their Baptism, the newest member of the Church.

“For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.” Galatians 3:27

Baptism is a SACRAMENT. Baptism enables us to live a life in Christ Jesus and makes us his children. It is through this sacrament that we receive the Holy Spirit and become members of the People of God, of the Body of Christ, which is the Church.

For this reason, it is a serious decision for parents to make, since they promise before God and the Church to bring their child up in the faith. 

“As therefore you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so live in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” Colossians 2:5-7

As an indication of the parents’ willingness to embrace the call to live as part of the Church, it is required that they, or at least the Catholic parent, attend Mass for at least three Sundays in preparation for baptism.

The requirements for a child being baptised in the Catholic Church are:

  • At least one parent must be a baptised Roman Catholic to ensure that the child baptised is brought up and educated in the Catholic faith.
  • You must be willing to bring your child up in the Catholic Church
  • You must live in the Parish (the baptism of the child should take place in the home parish of the parents. However, if the parents practice their faith regularly at the Parish of St Robert of Newminster, an exception can be made)
  • At least one Godparent must be Catholic (that is, confirmed in the Catholic Church) and over 16.


On the day of Baptism:

  • Please ensure child/parents/godparents and other family members and guests arrive in good time.
  • You should either dress your child in white, or have a white baptism shawl (white blanket)
  • The sacrament of Baptism doesn’t cost anything. It is a gift given to your child by God, through the Church. Saying that it is customary for parents to make a donation to the Church as a sign of gratitude and support for the Church.